Paschal Obidi
5 min readSep 13, 2024

Case Study: How Nikky Nimble Confectioneries Boosted Revenue through Social Media Marketing

Company Overview:
Business Name: Nikky Nimble Confectioneries
Location:Awka, Nigeria
Industry: Bakery and Confectionery
Founded: 2017
Challenge: Low brand visibility and stagnant revenue

Nikky Nimble Confectioneries, owned by Nkechi "Nikky" Okafor, is a small bakery located in Awka, Nigeria. Known for their mouthwatering chin chin, soft-as-cloud cakes, and "if you know, you know" small chops, ( the kind of chips and cakes you eat and you get high). They had a steady stream of local customers but couldn’t seem to break through to a wider audience. Nikky knew she had the best pastries on this side of the Niger but couldn’t figure out why her business wasn’t growing as fast as she wanted.

After discussing with friends and doing a bit of “over sabi” research on YouTube, she realized the problem: no one outside her neighborhood knew about her business! Nikky decided it was time to stop keeping her talents hidden and take her business online.

1. Increase awareness of her business across Awka and surrounding areas.
2. Improve customer engagement and get people talking about her delicious treats.

4. Get the UNIZIK S.U.G President to become her friend (become a potential sidechick too, to him if worse comes to worst, lol) and customer.
3. Increase revenue by 30% in six months.

The Social Media Marketing Strategy:

1. Choosing the Right Platforms (And Having Fun with It)
Nikky settled on Instagram and Facebook. Why? Because "Na visuals go sell chin chin, no be story!" The plan was simple: put those sugary delights in people’s faces. Instagram would be the main platform, with Facebook acting as the backup to catch the “Facebook aunties and uncles.”

2. Content CreationThe Real MVP
Nikky knew that in Nigeria, we eat with our eyes first. She started posting:
Daily Photos and Short Videos: Drooling-worthy pictures of cakes, doughnuts, puff-puff, and small chops everything that could make a hungry person immediately grab their phone and order.

Behind the Scenes Magic: Short clips of the baking process, the fun in the kitchen, and even showing when “Nepa takes the light,” ( when NEPA decides to stain your white) making her relatable to customers.

Customer Reposts: She encouraged her customers to snap and tag Nikky Nimble when they buy. The promise? A chance to get a free pack of chin chin (Nigerians love awoof!).

She also got the handler of Unizik Umbra TV ( UNIZIK’s must influential blogger) to post her business and also tag her in the school’s social platforms.

She handed out small fliers Infront of the school’s gate after school to students why giving little goodies to some students.

3. Giveaways: Awoof Time
Everybody loves free things. Nigerians themselves too like osho free, and Nikky tapped into that culture with small but effective giveaways. Every two weeks, she hosted “like, tag, and win” contests, giving out free cakes or small chops. The rule? Tag three friends and drop a comment on why you love small chops. This brought serious engagement as people swarmed to win free treats.

4. Partnerships with Local Influencers (Abi Influenzas)
Nikky didn’t have a big budget, but she was smart about it. She reached out to small, local influencers in Awka—those lifestyle bloggers and food reviewers with around 5,000 to 10,000 followers. She sent them sample packs of her small chops, and before you could say "puff-puff," they were posting videos of themselves enjoying it with captions like "If you’re not buying from Nikky Nimble, are you even enjoying life?"

She got the Director of Socials to let her erect her stand and sell her confectioneries during the bonfire night celebration. She had her banner up all through the night and she sold out.

5. Targeted Facebook Ads
Nikky also set aside ₦50,000 for Facebook ads. She knew not everyone would be reached organically, so she ran ads targeting people in Awka, Onitsha, and Nnewi, showcasing her chin chin and cakes as perfect items for birthdays, weddings, and "just because you feel like it."

6. Customer Interaction and Storytelling
Nikky knew how to get people laughing and engaging. She would post polls on her Instagram stories asking things like “How many chin chins can you finish in one sitting?” or “Which is better: puff-puff or buns?” This kept followers engaged while subtly promoting her products.

The Results:

1. Revenue Growth:
After six months of consistent social media marketing, Nikky Nimble Confectioneries recorded a 45% increase in revenue. Customers were flooding in, with many saying, "I saw your post on Instagram and couldn’t resist."

2. Brand Visibility:
Her Instagram following grew from 500 to 4,500, and her Facebook page gained over 1,000 new likes. She was now getting customers from Awka, Onitsha, and even Enugu. It was like word of mouth on steroids, except this time, the mouth was Instagram.

She even got an offer from an online client who offered to pay for her travel expenses in order to deliver at a personal house warming party in Port Harcourt.

3. Engagement Levels Skyrocketed:
Her Instagram posts, which used to get just 20 likes, now averaged 200-300 likes and a lot more comments. Every giveaway post had friends tagging each other, and her stories would get 500 views on average.

4. Influencer Success:
The influencers she partnered with brought in over 150 new followers after just one post. She even got a big wedding order from a post by one influencer who was enjoying her small chops on a Sunday afternoon.

5. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS):
With her ₦50,000 Facebook ad budget, she made over ₦300,000 in sales. A 6x return! Nikky’s puff-puff was now more popular than suya on a Friday night.


Nikky Nimble Confectioneries proved that you don't need a massive marketing budget to see real results, especially in Nigeria. By leveraging social media, creating fun, engaging content, and tapping into the Nigerian love for free things, Nikky increased her brand visibility and grew her revenue beyond her expectations.

And now, when people in Awka hear "Nikky Nimble," they immediately think, "Ah! That’s the girl that makes the puff-puff I saw on Instagram!"

Ps: she became friends with the SUG President, as for the sidechick agenda, na you wan do amebo for wetin no concern you.